Newsletter Marketing

A company newsletter can help your organization build a strong relationship with your email subscribers.Newsletters are just one of the many forms of email marketing that keep interested individuals and customers engaged with your store. You can provide information, delight readers, or encourage them to take a certain action.

newsletter marketing

Follow these best practices to send email newsletters your subscribers will actually open and read.

#1 Set expectations. Do subscribers know what they’re signing up for? Be clear up front about what they’ll be receiving from you. Is it an early about upcoming products, special coupons and discounts, new app features, or how-to information? Make sure you’re meeting customer expectations and not bombarding their inboxes with information they didn’t want.

#2 Think mobile first. You should be thinking mobile, mobile, mobile. Follow responsive design practices when designing your newsletter templates. This means keeping content limited to fit on a iphone screen. Make sure your buttons are large enough to press. Also, limit image sizes to avoid lagging load times.

#3: Track your emails & monitor progress. Email Marketing at has the best tools to build your list and track click throughs. Plans start at $9.99 / per month. In order to determine how well your newsletter marketing is resonating with customers—and how well it’s meeting your core goals—it’s important to monitor the messages you send you need to use a service like BurstWeb.

#4: Don’t forget your links. Even if you design the most creative, on-brand, lovingly-crafted marketing message you’ve ever sent, a newsletter is a wasted effort if it doesn’t include a strong call to action. Make sure your email messages offer users the opportunity to click-through to whatever item or service you are referring to.

#5: Keep your newletters simple but enticing. A great email contains a single core message it does not highlight 20 different offers, and it doesn’t ramble about ten different selling points.

#6: Do not send emails without proofreading and testing. Make sure you test them on multiple devices to ensure they the newsletter shows properly.

#7: Do not focus only on the sale. Like most modern social marketing, email marketing is as much about cultivating relationships as it is about getting the sale.

#8: quit using "no-reply" in your from line. It is like putting a wall between you and your recipients and stunts two-way communication–a factor that will likely discourage recipient engagement. Allowing your customers to reply directly to an newletter campaign opens up opportunities for conversations you may have never been able to start before.

#9: Share personal stories with your subscribers. Readers always enjoy a good story, so sharing a piece of your life with your subscribers should help increase the number of opened and read emails in their mailboxes.

#10: Never buy email lists. A sure sign that a marketing tactic is a dud is that the seller refuses to use it themselves. What you get is a low-quality list that is unlikely to purchase anything.